
362 Audio Reviews

223 w/ Responses

as always...

You do a perfect job. Your music is the best. you're my favorite artist in classical man. I really wish i could meet you in peson and make a song with you.

Zero123Music responds:

Maybe when I am older we can meet, and a collab would be awesome

thanks for the d/l :)
and 10

this should be number 1!!!

It's been a while since a song has touched my heart...you're a master artist! thank you!

MarkySpark responds:

Thankyou. As long as people like what I do, I will carry on creating new tracks :-)

Thank You!!!

You finished it!!!! i used the sample ne before in a video game as a power up theme or sumthin like that. this song represents eveything i love about melodeath. THANK YOU MAN!!!

Xenogenocide responds:

Awesome :D

Glad you liked it man.

if i could...

I'd give you a million for this song. seriously....this is right up my freakin ally...and the melody is awesome.


I would totally give you my new pedal if you could finish this song! This is melodic death metal stuff here...and i love it...

Once again

you blow me away. it's amazing...I'm more intometal...like melodic death metal or whatever...but you and Blazingdragon have uber talant. I love music and you are one of my favorites. Thank God for you!

Zero123Music responds:

wow.. thanks SO MUCH!!
Me and blaze make this stuff just for you guys ;)


This would sound waaay better with real instruments...i'm gonna break out my guitar and practice this song...because you did an awesome job on it...I love sonic...

PaulyBFromDa303 responds:


I've wanted this song to have real instruments for a while, I asked local metal bands to try it out, but nobody's really done anything with it. Either that or they're cooking up something still. But I have lyrics written out and everything lol. It's cool.

Hey, thnx much for the review. Keep on Sonic-in'.


i get a funny scene in my head. a techno party is goin on and some fa dude in his greasy underwear is runnin and dancing to the beat and hitting a cowbell...this is great.


I love newgrounds too...you have great talant. i love this song! awesome! *DOWNLOAD* like i say, this is gold compared to mainstream!

Hyper-Freak92 responds:

=D Thanks, man! Reviews like this make my day. Even if it is 1:16 AM.

...and even if you did mis-spell "talent."

Sorry, I'm a grammar Nazi.

I'm glad my music can make someone else smile, free of charge.


Nice man. i swear...newgrounds is the place to find awesome music like this. i love underground work. totally uniqe sound. *DOWNLOAD* man, make more similar to this. i feel some type of emotion coming from this and i want it to keep coming. this is 10/10. kudos man. seriously, you made my day!

TheRealSam responds:

Wow thanks a lot! Well I still don't realy know how these riffs came to my head, so I don't know when or how I'll be able to make another song like this one :S
But anyway, I'll warn you if there are some news ;)

Age 34, Male

Palo Alto College

San Antonio TX

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