
362 Audio Reviews

223 w/ Responses


it kinda reminded me of bullet for my valentine (which i hate with a passion) and and dethklok (which i really like.) if they fused together. dethklok overpowered the bfmv sound though so it save you i think. the solo sounded somlike tsomething dethklok would do so kudos man. keep it up.

deathkllr84 responds:

Lol BFMV has some ok songs, but I think this sounded more like As I Lay Dying than anything. Thanks for the review though, I love that solo too \m/

sounds good...

my only complaint is that it's not epic enough for guile. it needs that sense of struggle that the original had. but over all..it's good.

I like it.

it's smooth and very mellow. DOWNLOAD!!!
keep it up!

Mike-Hedgedog responds:

Thanks man.

still good...

Although i personally like the instrumental version better, the screaming pqrt is fine...the clean vocals kinda bother me...it's going into another direction or something...maybe it's just me. but still and awesome song...ever since "Symphony" i've been keeping up with all your work...keep it up!


kinda a mix of final fantasy and castlevania. sounds good.

Soullink responds:

First thank you for my first review. I definetely see the final fantasy but the castlevania hadn't crossed my mind until now. I'm guessing it has to do with the organ? Thanks again for your review and the download I guess. I'm honored.

love it

It sounds diffrent from the usual acoustic songs i hear. kudos and make more!!!

DylanGlow responds:

Thanks Ritz! I will definately make more! ^_^ And thanks for the Kudos! I love Kudos! XD

~Dylan ^_^

In flames

we trust...


I can picture a scene where a hero has the villan on his knees, then a surge of power makes the villan more powerful and her crushes the hero to near death...this song is great. it would make an awesome action scene.


As a musician, i can feel the emotion in theis song and i can imagine your thought process. when i write a song, either i think hard, or i just used what i feel. i don't know which you did, but it paid off in the end. my props to you and keep making art.

BlazingDragon responds:

This one was very much of the second variety, though I do a fair share of both. Thanks, Ritz. :)

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