
223 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Head Crushing tune dude. I love the guitar tone in this song. seriously, idk if it's any different from your usual settings, but i find this to be extra sexy. The pace is fucking insane and Everything is just beast! The melodic leads are perfect and it has the perfect balance of gayness and heavy Fuckin Metal. Good Work, Bro!

Metaljonus responds:

thanks baby! lol

Sweet song like always man.

Awesome! sounds like you've gotten better dude! this song is beast! yea, fuck the flamers. My vote got you up to a 4 though so keep it rockin buddy!

BERSERKYD responds:

As Always ! Thanks a lot Bro ! :D

this is indeed pretty gay

yah know....if gay was code for pretty sweet. kinda reminds me of one of Xenogenocide's songs, but with Metaljonus all in that bitch. very melodic. the leads are sweet and not too crazy like. The mix sounds a mix muffled on some parts where the drums kinda drown out the guitar, but it's not too jarring....unless it's my weak ass speakers doing that. also....DAT SOLO. kick ass track mayne.

Metaljonus responds:

Thanks for the crit I've been meaning to upload the newer version but I am too lazy lol. Thanks for the review kay!

sweet song!

I really dig this song. I like the tone of the drums and the guitars also. vox are a great mix of screaming and singing. good shit. I just might look into the EP! great work!

SaturnaliaMN responds:

Thanks! We have one about Robocop and others on Greek mythology. We probably are looking to tour too, so find us on facebook and harass us. :D

Nice remix brah.

Truth be told, i like the first version better, but this one really brings some awesome melodies to the table. it sounds alot more structured and melodic. is the band going to use this version from now on? great work, bro. keep it up man!

Metaljonus responds:

The first version is alright this version is my fav now! I don't know if the band wants to do this or not....we'll see.

Heavy as fuck

cause...you know...fuck is pretty heavy. This could make a sick ass intro for your band dude. epic doom if that makes sense. Mixing is top notch and I'm jealous. lol Idk what else to say except I'm probably gonna bump this at work along with your other tunes. Sick shit. keep it up.

Metaljonus responds:

fuck is heavy indeed good sir! The mix is still rough dude but i'm glad you dig it!


another sick VG remix. but i first heard this in a sonic hack bout a year ago. but megaman tunes are great on their own. the mixing sounds kinda different for some reason, can't quite put my finger on it...well the rhythm guitar does. beastly though dude. drums are perfect. 5/10/steal- i mean download... lawl, keep rockin, n***a!

Metaljonus responds:

Thanks mang! ya the mix sounds wierd to me too. I really need new pick ups or a new battery for my guitar lol my guitar has been sounding weak lately so its time for new pups!


As you know, I was there at the show. soon as i bought the CD and put it on my mp3, I was blastin this shit driving all over the place. I'm still quite blown away from these songs guys. Death-Fucking-metal!!!!!!!!!! not much to say that's negative....well i got nothin. shit's epic as fuck and I'm waiting for the music video.

AbsenceofFear responds:

I know you were there and I love you for it! lol Glad you dig the tunes and show us some support!

Age 34, Male

Palo Alto College

San Antonio TX

Joined on 11/7/08

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