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guitar rape

Pretty much sums up this song. that guitar must be tired from the finger fucking you did to it to make this badassness. I shall slay demons to this track...or mutated scorpions and what not....depends on what i play. but yea. sick song. you gonna expand on it or improve it in any way?

Metaljonus responds:

Lol I make sweet love to my guitar but never rape! About the song I dont know what I am going to do, there are still a few riffs I can add some more tasty licks too but we'll see....!

well shit...

not bad for no inspiration. doesn't sound like your usual style, but i still dig it. sounds like rescue mission music or something close to it. love how meaty the drum track is.

Metaljonus responds:

haha thanks mang!


dude i love your ideas. this sounds sooo....idk the word for it, but it just flows so awesomely! idk where you come up with this stuff, but this is why you're on my faves list. great job, ZZ!

ZombieZappa responds:

Thanks man! I don't know where most of this comes from either, but it usually involves strong emotions, ha! Really, what it boils down to is me fiddling around with my instruments and fitting random pieces of music in the best way I can. I try to give each instrument it's own "voice" in the song, and let them come through in the best way possible. I just follow what the song tells me to follow; I go with the flow.
( Didn't mean to sound pretentious though, ha!)

Chimp Spanner???

That's the vibe i get from this...which is good. Awesome job!

PirateCrab responds:

Thanks man! It's highly inspired by Chimp Spanner, Sikth, Tesseract etc :]

you never cease to amaze me

Everything is perfect, the melody, the mood, EVERYTHING. i think this may be my new fave from you...YOU ROCK!!!

BERSERKYD responds:

Really !? haha awesome ! Thanks for all Kay !

I am sooo late, but anywho

Kick ass as usual...the vox sound alot more clear than in your other songs...I dig that. the riffs and the song overall is kick ass. makes me wanna ride a quad in the forest. good track bro! KEEP IT METAL!!!!

BERSERKYD responds:

hehe late is better than never ! So I didn't know if that was a good one, actually I got a bunch of bad rating, but now cuz of you I can appreciate my work a little more, thanks the review ! :)

more goodness from you

Good stuff you got here. Kinda seems to have a lil jazz touch to it. didn't really dig the intro noises but it didn't ruin it for me. but anywho...this is great man! The piano was well put together and i liked the drum arrangement. good work once again!

ZombieZappa responds:

Yeah i know what you mean about the intro, but at the time i felt it was the most awesome thing ever. I think the original version didn't have that intro, just the piano. Anyways, thanks!

aside form the syncing

I'm always amazed at the way you arrange your riffs man. I really dig it. This has like a classic rock feel to it and i like the lead mixing with the acoustic. very nice. great job!

ZombieZappa responds:

Thanks man! I try my best with syncing, but sometimes my ears fool me.


I can always count on you for some quality Punk-Metal goodness. That new sexy guitar looks awesome and now i get to hear it and it sounds just as sexy! Great job...also the drums sound different from your usual style, did you change them? Still sound badass though. keep rockin bro!

BERSERKYD responds:

Like you said, count on me :) Well yeah this new guitar is pretty bad ass, the emg 81 pickups is definetely the way to go for metal ! And yeah, actually I try to mixe the drum on every songs, try to get this perfect spot everytime. I think i'm pretty close on this one, maybe the cymbals are little bit too lood. Be prepare 2011 gonna be sick ! Thanks Kaylon !

sounds good!

I really dig the piano in this beat. the whole thing together gives it it's peacful vibe. great beat. seems to be a huge gap after the song though...none the less, you have a great tune here. keep it up!

PrognoiseBIG responds:

Thank you =) ... I see 4 minutes are wasted :( ..

Thank you anyways.

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