
223 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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I dig it.

I'm not really much for techno myself, but i like what you have here. sounds epic and really professional. good job man!

T-Free responds:

Thank you, glad you liked it.^^

nice song ya got there!

Last song??? NOOOOOOO!!! it can't bee!! you kick ass man. as for the song itself, it's a good balance of what you were going for. guitar tone is awesome as ever and the lyrics are simple but flow nicely. great job dude. rock on!

BERSERKYD responds:

Hehe ! I mean that my latest song !! And thanks for your support man. I appreciate it a lot. And yeah your right I should expand my vocabulary in english. Good point !


guitar work is great

drums are lacking. I will say thins though, you work with what you got and you do a pretty good job making up for it. tone of the guitar is very solid. and this proves to me that I will definitely use you for bass...and maybe even guitar parts if you want! but anyways, nice work.

Ryan-of-the-Metal responds:

Oh, thanks dude. I really want a real drummer, but I can't find an available one locally, and paying a live one would suck big time compared to the loops I use, I think I just need to EQ them more. Anyway, I have a guitar now with a tremolo arm, so if want a dive bomb, or something weird like that, I'm here. :D

kick ass!

I like it! commercial? tsk..this should be in a game. very original and unique. and exotic in a way. i dig it. man. great job!

Gravey responds:

Thanks. Glad you enjoyed the piece.


What the FUUUCK!!!!

you should have seen my eyes when the solo started O.O ...dude that was SICKKKKKK!!!!!!! i think my skull cracked open just from this epic song! FUCK!!! great job man...and the female vocals felt like a perfect touch! Tha Ritz is pleeeeased....very pleased indeed....

Burn7 responds:

Thanks dude! This was a fun fucking song to do a solo for, because I didn't know what I was going to do exactly. It's in a weird minor key and stuff, so it required a lot of experimentation and whatnot. But thanks dude. I'll tell Mo you like her voice too haha


You can do it all, can't you? I bet you can fly and shit out thunder storms, right? every time i come to check on you, you have something amazing waiting for me. i love that. this song is kick ass no doubt...sounds old school, but with a current day twist. but all that doesn't matter. the point is, good job bro. love it. 5/10/and faved. Bad-Man, fuckin do your thing!

Bad-Man-Incorporated responds:

I'm glad you keep checkin and leavin your thoughts, dude. That's fucking awesome.
2 more to come. Just gotta get em finalized. Then this album is done and I can fuck around more in other subgenres. haha.

Thanks again, dude.


Definitely downloading this piece. very nice and mellow. i hope you work further on this because this can be something terrific. 5/10 download! keep rockin man!

Ryan-of-the-Metal responds:

Yaay lol. Speaking of slow and melodic, I reviewed your submission 'Gates of the Heat' and you didn't get back to me on that one. That's cool though, I think you should finish it! That submission and this one are a bit similar lol.

AAAAAhhh i was wondering what happened to you!

everytime you return, you have some bad ass track out man. king of punk...i salute you....and idk if it's too late or not but Happy Canada day!!!!!

BERSERKYD responds:

I salute you too man ! Yeah my software broke for about a month now ! Now is fully recover. Well thanks a lot again.. I really have much to say except, here in Montreal we prefer to celebrate the juin 24... its THE day where people from the province of Quebec still care, because its the Canadian/french day. So Canada Day is for tourist.. but I appreciate it anyway :)

Cya !

Wow...i like the melody

Even tho it's not Metal...i still gave you a 5 and a 10. this is a nice song man. very uplifting!

dr-vibe responds:

haha, thanks man :3

i don't know why i put it in metal... it was an impulse :D

FUCKING ZERO BOMBERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dude this track fucking slays. but i prefer your usual drum technique tho. but that's just me. but as a WIP there's so much that could be done this so i'm not gonna rag on it much. keep that shit going and i 'll be looking out for the next upload.

Deathcalypse responds:

Thanks dude.

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